Saturday, January 7, 2012

First Post

What's that guy thinking about? 

Better yet, what is he dreaming about? 

What about her? Will they ever realize their dreams? Will they even try to realize their dreams? How close will they come? Fly to the sun but get burned? Hey... At least they flew.

Hi. I'm Byron. I'm 22, just graduated college. And I don't really have that much direction in life right now. Except I kind of do. I want to lift heavy weights. I mean shit... They're just lying there. Someone needs to lift them.

I've only started seriously lifting this past year. But lately it's all I think about it. I eat to lift. I sleep to lift. I lift to lift. Then it got me thinking. What's my potential? How far can I take this? How competitive could I be?

This is what I'm dreaming. My clock is ticking. Better get on this. Now. So I'm going to make the most of it. I want to see how far I can push myself.

I'm still pretty damn weak. And small. And without a job. So my plan of attack is to keep lifting to put on muscle and strength. Find a job - get relocated from where I'm at now (college town). Then find a gym. Find a coach. Learn how to weightlift. And push myself farther than I ever thought I could.  

However far I come, I want to be able to look back at this and say, "I'm proud of how far I've come, who I've become, and I gave it my all." I have never really had that much direction in my life. Trying to figure out what makes me happy. Who I am. What I want to be proud about. Now I know.

I want to be great.

I want will be great.

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