Saturday, January 14, 2012

I lied. I think I have a bad habit of that

Squat - 235x6x6

Squat - 245x7x5
Front Squats - messed around up to 135x3

So I didn't do anything blogish yesterday after I said I would. Went to the gym. Made nice conversation with the guys in the rack next to mine and they gave me a few basics about the FS (They also told me I had good form. This was after I thought my form sucked. It's the little things in life.). Messed around with it, because my work sets did not tire me out whatsoever. Then helped my buddy with his form. I spent about three hours there yesterday. Really untypical of me.

GRE on Tuesday. Meh. No motivation but just to sit there and take it. I've always been a good test taker. I'm not that worried about it. 

Went out for a couple drinks. I had no desire to be social whatsoever. I was hungry, tired, and a bit sore. Feeling just fine today. Squatting shouldn't be this easy.

Got a girl's number the other day at Starbucks. (Here's the part of the blog that's achingly sad). I'm really not socially awkward. I swear. But I don't know how this whole thing works. When do I call? Do I call? Do I text? Blah blah blah. At least I can manage to get numbers. Just haven't been great at making it work out.

I just want to bum around and watch football all day. My life is hard.

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13, 2012 - Part 1

Reminder to self for everyone who isn't reading this: Make this look like a real blog tonight. See ya later kids

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9, 2012

Bench - 155x5, 175x3, 200x1

First time I've ever hit 200 on bench ever. Really fucking shaky though. The number just got into my head. I always took it easy because my right shoulder started randomly hurting last night. Doesn't feel like a muscle ache, and the benching didn't hurt it. It's like a really weird bruise. I have no idea.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 8, 2012

Squats - 10x3x265

I don't get my mindset. I need to work on that. Ate massively though. Pound of ground beef, half box of pasta, whole broccoli, half gallon of milk. Deliciousness. that reminds me, I need to go eat something, and then sleep soon.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

First Post

What's that guy thinking about? 

Better yet, what is he dreaming about? 

What about her? Will they ever realize their dreams? Will they even try to realize their dreams? How close will they come? Fly to the sun but get burned? Hey... At least they flew.

Hi. I'm Byron. I'm 22, just graduated college. And I don't really have that much direction in life right now. Except I kind of do. I want to lift heavy weights. I mean shit... They're just lying there. Someone needs to lift them.

I've only started seriously lifting this past year. But lately it's all I think about it. I eat to lift. I sleep to lift. I lift to lift. Then it got me thinking. What's my potential? How far can I take this? How competitive could I be?

This is what I'm dreaming. My clock is ticking. Better get on this. Now. So I'm going to make the most of it. I want to see how far I can push myself.

I'm still pretty damn weak. And small. And without a job. So my plan of attack is to keep lifting to put on muscle and strength. Find a job - get relocated from where I'm at now (college town). Then find a gym. Find a coach. Learn how to weightlift. And push myself farther than I ever thought I could.  

However far I come, I want to be able to look back at this and say, "I'm proud of how far I've come, who I've become, and I gave it my all." I have never really had that much direction in my life. Trying to figure out what makes me happy. Who I am. What I want to be proud about. Now I know.

I want to be great.

I want will be great.